Support The Arts

Volunteer and Donate!

The Miller Beach Arts & Creative District is very fortunate to have a beautiful facility and a supportive community. Lots of talent and dedication go into keeping this 95% volunteer organization running. Without your help, we would not be able to offer these exhibits and programming for the community. If you would like to get involved in one of these areas, just contact us, indicate that you’d like to volunteer, and the lead will contact you to find out more about your interest. Together we will make a difference!

Winter Market

We need many different kinds of volunteers:

Contact us to volunteer


Miller 500

Since 2011, the MBACD has reinvigorated the Lake Street corridor. The proliferation of new businesses on and around Lake Street is a direct result of our efforts. If you’ve enjoyed the Farmers MarketFirst Fridays on Lake Street, or any of the events at the Marshall J. Gardner Center for the Arts, you have benefited from our volunteer efforts.

Now, we need you to help us. We have ongoing hard costs to keep our arts center open and our mission focused.

While we have enjoyed the generosity of grants from donors such as the Knight FoundationLegacy Foundation, The Anderson Foundation, South Shore Arts, The Indiana Arts Commission, The Miller Community Fund, and others, it is nearly impossible to find grant money to help pay for our gas & electric, building repairs, and supplies. Generous volunteers have dug deep into their pockets to cover some or most of these costs in the past.





Our goal over the next 5 years is to find 500 people in our community that will commit to donating a small amount of money on a monthly basis. $10 or $20, donated monthly, would create a sustainable amount of funds to pay our bills.

This will allow us to focus on expanding our offering to the community. Will you be one of the Miller 500? Can you commit to $10, $20, or more per month?

Pledge monthly or annually

Other Giving

Thank you for considering a gift to the Miller Beach Arts & Creative District. With your help, the MBACD will continue to create programming and help the NWI region thrive. A gift to the MBACD is a gift to your community and to the arts. Please give today. If you are looking for more ways to become involved, financially or otherwise, please contact us.

Note: When paying, add the purpose of your donation e.g. ‘General Donation‘ or ‘Giving Tuesday‘ in the ‘Add special instructions to the seller’ section. Thank you!

Upcoming events


Free Community Yoga Sundays at 10am


For the Good Works by Aonna Jones
Creative Mending Clinic Saturday, February 15, 10 am
Shake Your Shape Sundays, starting Feb 16, 11:30 AM
Work in Progress Group Sunday, February 16, 2pm - 4pm
African Dance Workshop Friday, Friday 21, 6:30 pm
Yoga + Beer Saturday, Februrary 22, 12:30 pm
All in Jest Trivia Night Friday, February 28, 7pm,


Mindlarking Works in Assemblage and Collage


The Area Artists Association (A3) 45th Anniversary Exhibition
View past events

Miller Beach Arts & Creative District

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 2405, Gary, IN 46403 219-885-9114

Gallery Location:

Marshall J. Gardner Center for the Arts 540 S. Lake Street, Gary, IN 46403
Open Friday and Saturday, 6—8pm, and Sunday 2—4. Find us on , , and Instagram.