Allison Svoboda

Opening Reception

This is the Opening Reception for Allison Svoboda. Allison is an internationally exhibited artist who often creates delicate, ephemeral installations of paper and other materials. Nature is her inspiration.

EXHIBITION SUMMARY For her exhibit at the Marshall J. Gardner Center for the Arts, Chicago artist Allison Svoboda employs ink on paper to create large-scale paintings and collages that reflect organic patterns found in nature. Often, her work is done on-site on the shores of Lake Michigan, where she sits in quiet contemplation in a place of natural beauty. Once fully in touch with her surroundings, Allison begins her mark-making using natural elements including wind, water, salt, sticks even her breath to move the ink. Says Svoboda of her process, “the same way a plant grows following the path of least resistance, the quick gestures and simplicity of working with ink allows the law of least resistance to prevail as the ink finds its path across the paper. Ink gives a more spontaneous experience as I allow it to move where it flows naturally.” Allison’s work holds a delicate and ethereal beauty that creates a contemplative and approachable atmosphere for viewers. And the response has been quite positive with solo shows at the Walker Fine Arts and the Milan Expo. Her installations have been commissioned internationally with sculptural public works exhibited in Chicago and as far away as Australia. Svoboda has been the recipient of many residencies including a Hemera Fellowship to study shibori, orezomegami, and calligraphy in Japan in 2016. For the past three years, she has also been involved in the Chicago Conservation Corps, a group that creates pollinator parkways. During the run of the exhibition, Svoboda will offer two workshops: Orizomegami a Japanese art form of folding and dying paper to reflect patterns found in nature, and, Mudballs, a native plant-inspired nature walk and seed bomb workshop. Both workshops are family-friendly events suitable for adults and kids 8 and up will be offered free and open to the public. RSVP at

Allison is an internationally exhibited artist who often creates delicate, ephemeral installations of paper and other materials. Nature is her inspiration.


Event Hours:

Allison Svoboda Itinerary

Opening Reception
Friday, Apr. 5th
6 – 8 pm

“Opening Reception” is part of the larger “Allison Svoboda” event, and part of our Exhibits, and Workshops series.

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Miller Beach Arts & Creative District

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 2405, Gary, IN 46403 219-885-9114

Gallery Location:

Marshall J. Gardner Center for the Arts 540 S. Lake Street, Gary, IN 46403
Open Friday and Saturday, 6—8pm, and Sunday 2—4. Find us on , , and Instagram.