Exhibition Proposals

2026 exhibition proposal process now open

The Miller Beach Arts & Creative District is accepting proposals for the 2026 art exhibition season. The Exhibitions Committee accepts proposals for solo and group shows in all mediums. The call is open to all artists residing in the NWI region and the larger Chicago/Midwest area.

The MBACD Exhibitions Committee works to develop a schedule of exhibits representing a variety and balance of 2D and 3D media, solo and group shows. We strive to provide space for underrepresented artists and artists of color and curate work to allow the best display of artwork and gallery space.

Exhibits take place at the Marshall J. Gardener Center for the Arts in Miller Beach, Gary, Indiana. The MBACD is a volunteer-run non-profit that has been producing art exhibits since its inception in 2012. Our Exhibitions Committee is made up of artists and art professionals from the Miller community. Please visit our website at millerbeacharts.org for more information on our organization and examples of past/current exhibits and organizational activities.

Proposals will be accepted via email through Feb 28, 2025, and reviewed by the Exhibitions Committee in March 2025. Applicants will be notified of committee decisions by early spring (April/May).

Applicants must provide the following:

Name of Applicant.

Address of applicant.



Exhibition title (a working title is acceptable).


A 1-2 paragraph statement describing the exhibit. (what is the show about, what kind of work does it include, who is involved)

Images of artwork**  

Image file name must include artist name for clarity.

Acceptable file formats include .jpg, .png, .pdf.

List of submitted images:  include title, artist, medium, year, and approximate size (or running time).

An artist statement and bio (for each artist).

For shows proposed by curators, please include a curatorial statement and background of applicant describing your curatorial or related experience.

The MBACD does not charge a fee for applying to exhibit. We encourage artists to make works available for purchase, and the gallery assumes a 30% commission on all sales. Artwork is insured against loss and damage during the exhibit. Work should be gallery-ready (framed, hanging hardware installed, etc.) The MBACD Exhibition Committee works with applicants to determine the best date for each show and provides publicity for each exhibit. A studio visit or further follow-up with the Exhibition Committee may be required. Final decision on the content of all exhibitions resides with the president and executive director of the MBACD. Please see the MBACD Art Loan Agreement for further details.

Apply to exhibitsmbacd@gmail.com  Any questions about the proposal process may be submitted to the same.

Download the MBACD Loan Agreement here.

Upcoming events


Free Community Yoga Sundays at 10am


Mindlarking Works in Collage and Assemblage
Book Arts – Create a Book Saturday, March 29, 10 am - 1 pm


The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Opening Night! Friday, April 4, 7:30 PM
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Saturday, April 5, 7:30 PM
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Friday, April 11, 7:30 PM
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Saturday, April 12, 7:30 PM
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Sunday, April 13, 2 PM
Mindlarking Artist Talk Saturday, April 19, 2 pm


The Area Artists Association (A3) 45th Anniversary Exhibition
Fly Fishing Film Tour Saturday, May 3, 1 PM and 6 PM
View past events

Miller Beach Arts & Creative District

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 2405, Gary, IN 46403 219-885-9114 MBACDarts@gmail.com

Gallery Location:

Marshall J. Gardner Center for the Arts 540 S. Lake Street, Gary, IN 46403
Open Friday and Saturday, 6—8pm, and Sunday 2—4. Find us on , , and Instagram.